1. Name – Surname: Burhan KÖROĞLU

2. Birth Date: 03.01.1962

3. Title: Assistant Professor Doctor

4. Education:


Istanbul University Philosophy Department, 1985.


The University of Jordan, Philosophy, 1993.


Marmara University, Islamic Philosophy, 2001.

5. Academic Titles:

  • Director of Civilization Studies Center, Bahcesehir University (2011-)
  • Assistant Professor Doctor, Bahcesehir University, Faculty of Art and Sciences, Department of Sociology (2008 – )
  • Assistant Professor Doctor, Marmara University, Faculty of Theology, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies (2004 -2008 )
  • Doctor, Marmara University, Faculty of Theology, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies,  (2001 – 2004)
  • Research Assistant, Marmara University, Faculty of Theology, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies,  (1993-2001) 

6. Publications

6.1 Publications Presented in International Scientific Meetings

  1. “Stability in the Middle East”, 3rd International Vasatiyye Symposium, 20-21 April 2010, Beirut, Lebanon.
  2. “Hermetism in Medieval Islamic Imagination: An Examination in Heresiography and Biographical Dictionaries” International MESA Conference,  Medieval Islamic Historiography Panel,  San Fransisco USA 20-23 November 2004.
  3. “Çağdaş İslam Düşüncesinde Klasikleri Yeniden Okuma Projesi, Cabiri Örneği”( The Project of Re-reading Classics in Modern Islamic Thought),  Uluslar arası, Klasikleri Yeniden Okumak Sempozyumu, Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı (The Foundation for Science and Arts), 8-10 October,  2004, Istanbul
  4. “The Philosophies of Islam, Greece and the West and the Interaction Between Them”,  Seminar Presented in St Louis University, Meramac College, December 2004. St. Louis, USA.
  5. “Impact of Neoplatonism on Islamic Thought”, Seminar Presented in St Louis University, Faculty of Arts, December 2004, St. Louis, USA.
  6. “Ibn Bajjah as pioneer of Cordoba School of Philosophy”  International Symposium, International Colloquim on  Two Schools of Islamic Philosophy Cordoba and Isfahan, 27-29 April 2002.  Isfahan, Iran.
  7. “Late Ottoman Madrasas”,  Conference Paper Presented in The University of Oxford, Centre for Islamic Studies, The University of Oxford,12 March 2002 Oxford, England.
  8. “İbn Bacce’nin İbn Rüşd’e Etkileri” (The Effects of Ibn Bajja on Averroes) Uluslararası Sempozyum: Cumhuriyetin Kuruluşunun 75. Yılı Münasebetiyle Ölümünün 800. Yılında İbn Rüşd (International Symposium: Averroes in his 800th year of death in reference to 75th year of the Republic), 11-13 December 1998, ISAM, Istanbul

6.2 Books or Book Chapters Written

6.3 Publications in International Refereed Journals

  1. El-Felsefetü’l-ahlakiyye ve’s-siyasiyye fi felsefeti İbn Bacce, The Journal of International Mulla Sadra Institute in Arabic. 2000
  2. The Role of Turkish Foreign Policy in the Making of a New World, p. 305-310.

6.4 Publications in National Refereed Journals

  1. 1.      İbn Bacce’nin Akıl Teorisi (Ibn Bajja’s Theory of Mind), İstanbul Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Theology), to be published.
  2. 2.      Siraceddin el Urmevi’nin Risale Fil Fark Beyne Nev’ay el İlmil İlahi vel Kelam isimli risalesi: İnceleme ve Tahkik (Risale Fil Fark Beyne Nev’ay el İlmil İlahi vel Kelam of Siraceddin el Urmevi: An Examination), Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of Marmara University Faculty of Theology),  No: 36. (2009/1)
  3. 3.      İbn Bacce’nin Akli Varlığa Dair Delillerinin Tahlili (Analysis of Ibn Bajja’s Evidences Concerning The Active Intelligent), Kutadgu Bilig Felsefe Bilim Araştırmaları Dergisi (Kutadgu Bilig Journal of Philosophy Science Research), No: 16. October 2009. p. 63-77.
  4. 4.      İbn Bacce’nin Ahlak ve Siyaset Düşüncesi” (Moral and Political Idea of Ibn Bajja), Divan İlmi Araştırmalar Dergisi (Divan Scientific Research Journal), C.1, s. 1, Istanbul 1996.

6.5 Publications Presented and Printed in Publication Book in National Scientific Meetings:

  1. İslam Felsefesinde Metodoloji Problemleri: Cabiri Örneği” (The Methodological Problems in Islamic Philosophy: Example of Cabiri), İslâmî İlimlerde Metodoloji (Usûl) Meselesi 1 (Problems of Methodology in Islamic Sciences) İsav/Ensar Publications, Istanbul 2005, p.153-163

6.6 Translated Books

  1. Abdulaziz Sachedina, İslamda Demokratik Çoğulculuğun Temelleri,(The Basis of Democratic Pluralism in Islam) Küre Publications (now printing)
  2. Muhammed Abid El-Cabiri, Arap-İslam Kültürü’nün Akıl Yapısı, (The Translation of Bunyetü’l-akli’l-arabî from Arabic), Kitabevi Publications, Istanbul, 1999.
  3. Taha Cabir el-Alvani, İslam Düşüncesi’nin Krizi, (The Crisis of Islamic Thought) Koba Publications, Istanbul, 1998.

 6.7 Translated Articles

  1. Seyyid Hüseyin Nasr, Fahruddin Razi, İslam Düşüncesi Tarihi kitabı içinde makale, (Fahreddin Razi of Seyyid Huseyin Nasr, a part in History of Islam Book) İnsan Publications, Istanbul 1987.
  2. Muhsin Mehdi, Farabi, İslam Düşüncesi Tarihi kitabı içinde makale, (Farabi of Muhsin Mehdi, a part in History of Islam Book)  İnsan Publications, Istanbul 1987.

6.8 Other Articles

  1. The Role of Russia in the Newly Shaped World and the Problem of What Russia Will Do in Shaping Its Environment, (in Arabic), Al Jazeera Research Center, 2008, Doha.
  2. Turkey Iran Relations and The Nuclear Crisis, (in Arabic) Al Jazeera Research Center, 2007, Doha.
  3. Turkish General Elections in 2007 and its Evaluation, (in Arabic), Al Jazeera Research Center, 2007, Doha.
  4. The Process of Turkey EU Relations in 2007, (in Arabic), Al Jazeera Research Center, 2007, Doha.

6.9 Encyclopedia Articles

  1. Şehrezuri, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Ansiklopedisi (Islamic Encyclopedia of Turkey).
  2. Tafra, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Ansiklopedisi (Islamic Encyclopedia of Turkey)

7. Memberships in Scientific Associations

  • Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Binghampton, USA.
  • Turkish Philosophy Club, Ankara.
  • The Foundation for Science and Arts,  Istanbul.
  • Turkish Association of Writers, Ankara.
  • World Congress of Mulla Sadra, Tahran, Iran.

8. Administrative Duties

  • Bahcesehir University Civilization Studies Center, Vice President, (2008 – 2011 )
  • Marmara University, Faculty of Theology Foundation, Board Member, (2004-2007)

9. Other Symposiums, Panels and Events Attended As Speaker

9.1 Symposium

  1. The Philosophies of Islam, Greece and the West and the Interaction Between Them,  St Louis University, Meramac College Seminar, December 2004.
  1. Impact of Neoplatonism on Islamic Thought, Seminar given in St Louis University Faculty of Arts, December,  2004.
  1. “Hermetism in Medieval Islamic Imagination: An Examination in Heresiography and Biographical Dictionaries” International MESA Conference,  Medieval Islamic Historiography Panel,  San Fransisco USA 20-23 November 2004.
  1. “Çağdaş İslam Düşüncesinde Klasikleri Yeniden Okuma Projesi, Cabiri Örneği”( The Project of Re-reading Classics in Modern Islamic Thought),  Uluslar arası, Klasikleri Yeniden Okumak Sempozyumu, Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı (The Foundation for Science and Arts), 8-10 October,  2004, Istanbul
  1. “Ibn Bajjah as pioneer of Cordoba School of Philosophy”  Uluslar arası Sempozyum, International Colloquim on  Two Schools of Islamic Philosophy Cordoba and Isfahan” 27-29 April 2002.  Isfahan, Iran.
  1. Influence of Andalusian Philosophy and Science on Western World, A paper presented in the Isfahan and Cordoba Symposium held in Isfahan in 2001
  1. “İbn Bacce’nin İbn Rüşd’e Etkileri” (The Effects of Ibn Bajja on Averroes) Uluslararası Sempozyum: Cumhuriyetin Kuruluşunun 75. Yılı Münasebetiyle Ölümünün 800. Yılında İbn Rüşd (International Symposium: Averroes in his 800th year of death in reference to 75th year of the Republic), 11-13 December 1998, ISAM, Istanbul.

9.2 Seminar

  1. Eight Seminars in “Introduction to Islamic Thought” given in the Science and Art Foundation, Istanbul 2003 October-December.
  2. Eight Seminars“Intercivilization Relations in Hellenistic Time and The Establishment of Hellenistic Philosophy School”, 10-11 2001.
  3. Methodological Approaches to the Islamic Philosophy and Islamic Cultural Heritage, The Foundation for Science and Arts, 1997 Fall Term Four Seminar, 1997.
  4. Islamic Philosphy and Science in Andalusia, The Foundation for Science and Arts, Istanbul 1-2 February, 1996.

9.3. Academic Organizations Managed

  1. Rethinking of International Classics Symposium, managed secretary.
  2. International Alliance of Civilizations, general secretary, October 2009.
  3. Katip Celebi Symposium in Istanbul; general secretary. 19-21 October 2007.
  4. Human Acts According to Muslim and Western Philosophers Symposium, organized and attended, 1-3 June 2004.
  5. International Ottoman Thought and Science Symposium, organized and attended. Istanbul, 1999.
  6. International Ibn Rusd Symposium, organized and attended. Istanbul, 1998.

10. Prizes and Scholarships

  1. The University of Jordan, Department of Philosophy, Guest Lecturer, 2007-2008.
  2. The University of Oxford, Center for Islamic Studies, one month research scholarship, Oxford, England, 2003.
  3. Jordan Ministry of Higher Education Graduate Scholarship, Amman, Jordan, 1987-1991.
  4. The University of Jordan Research Scholarship, Amma, Jordan, 1987-1989.
  5. Yarmouk University Arabic Language Scholarship, Jordan, 1986.

11. Courses Given in the Last Years (Undergraduate and Graduate)

History of Islamic Philosophy, Religion and Environment, Philosophical Texts in English (Master), Philosophical Texts in Arabic (Master), Ethics in Islamic Philosophy